Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Frylinck escapes over positive drugs test

Frylinck escapes over positive drugs test

, has been reprimanded after testing positive for a drug found in a slimming tablet during a random test following a domestic match in South Africa.

Frylinck, 26, had a disciplinary hearing on March 28 where it was revealed he had been given clearance from the Lions' medical team before taking the tablet. He pleaded guilty to the positive test which showed sibutramine - used to aid slimming - but because of the advice he was given by team staff he was only handed a reprimand rather than a more severe punishment.

"Although Robbie followed the team protocol before taking the tablets this case illustrates the risks when players take unregulated supplements," Tony Irish, the CEO of the South African Cricketers' Association, said: "In cricket, as in all sports, we support anti-doping measures and players need to constantly guard against the risks."

Frylinck is free to take up his Indian Premier League contract with Delhi Daredevils when the tournament starts in early April.

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